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There is currently no drug available worldwide to avoid the Kovid-19 epidemic. In such a situation, the safest solution is to avoid corona infection. Amidst all the measures to improve their immune system, scientists have now accepted that regular yoga is very important to avoid corona infection. Recently, a new study has revealed that by doing yoga, you not only avoid stress and depression, but also can be physically and mentally healthy, you can avoid corona virus epidemic.
Two universities did research together
The study was carried out by a team of medical researchers from the University of South Australia and the University of New South Wales. The researchers said that we have included only asanas in yoga. Pranayama and Medication are not included in this. In his conclusion, he found that by doing yoga, mental health is very good. This has resulted in very positive results especially in patients suffering from stress, restlessness, schizophrenia, alcohol addiction and bipolar disorder.

Yoga also gives spiritual peace
According to research, it was analyzed on the basis of rugs, because 50 percent of the person becomes physically active in it. According to the report, yoga gives more benefits than exercise, running, workouts etc. Yoga also gives spiritual peace. According to the British Journal of Sports Medicine, regularizing yoga practice reduces the risk of Alzheimer's and dementia.

By doing yoga every day, the health of hair and skin also remains healthy. If you want glowing skin, then make a habit of doing yoga and exercise regularly. In addition, according to a research conducted by the American Medical Society, the skin of 65-year-olds can be as luminous as those of 20 to 40-year-olds if they exercise daily and do yoga.

If you want to avoid corona, then do these five asanas daily


According to Dr. Lakshmidatta Shukla, Gomukhasana has the same posture as cow, it is very easy to do this asana. Gomukhasana is very beneficial for losing weight and for increasing physical beauty. This makes the muscles of the shoulder, thigh strong. This posture makes the lungs strong and cures all respiratory diseases.

This asana should be done on an empty stomach in the morning. Doing Tadasana also strengthens the lungs, apart from this, there is no heaviness in the stomach and constipation is also removed. This asana also makes the body flexible and reduces muscle pain.

Matsyasana is also very easy to do, in this the body posture looks like a fish. Matsyasana also cures respiratory disease. Matsyasana is the best asana for strengthening the lungs. This asana also benefits more than doing an empty stomach in the morning.

According to Dr. Lakshmidatta Shukla, regularly doing this asana makes the body strong and flexible. Digestive system is active and relieves constipation. By doing this asana, breathing becomes active, which makes the lungs strong. Apart from this, this asana reduces anger, fear, bereavement, etc., and emotional imbalance. It is useful for a person suffering from heart disease, asthma, diabetes. It is helpful in reducing obesity by reducing excess fat on the stomach.

Surya Namaskar: 
There are total 12 Yogasanas in Surya Namaskar. Health is also good by getting up before sunrise in the morning and doing Surya Namaskar for 15 minutes. Since it is a combination of 12 yogasanas, it benefits every part of the body. The respiratory process is more due to Surya Namaskar, so it can be considered quite good for the lungs. Apart from this, Surya Namaskar also reduces digestive system besides reducing weight.