Nighttime coughing? Here's what you should and shouldn't do ...
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Corona infection is more dangerous for patients suffering from diabetes, heart disease and lung disease, this has been proved in many studies. 

Now an American research has shown that the possibility of hospitalization of such patients is six times more when SARS-Cove-2 comes under JD. 

Not only this, the risk of dying from his infection has also been found to be 12 times higher. Researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) analyzed 1.7 million cases of corona infection recorded between January 22 and May 30. 

They found that 45% of those infected with diabetes, heart disease and lung diseases had to be hospitalized. At the same time, this rate was 7.6 percent for those infected who did not have any serious disease before. 

Death rate from corona was also found to be 19.5 percent among patients suffering from serious diseases.